Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Love of Our Life

So I started this blog to tell you about all of the clothes I would be making and all of my crafts, etc. But a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant and was SO sick, throwing up for all 9 months. Luckily I was blessed with a great delivery. Now it has turned into my life as a mommy, working from home, and all of the fun things I am learning, and, of course, still my crafty things.

My little girl is 8 weeks old today! It has been quite the whirlwind. I have had several people ask me about my labor and delivery experience. In retrospect, it wasnt too bad. Not that Im ready to jump on the band wagon again already! I thought I would share it with you though.
I woke up at 5:19 in the morning in some pain. I really just didnt feel well though. I went back to sleep(used loosely) until 5:45 when I decided laying their trying to sleep was worthless. So I got up and started getting ready for work. I got ready expressed that I didnt feel well to Dev and we left for work. He encouraged me to go to my sister-in-laws for the day and just take the day off of work. He said if I was in labor she could watch me and take me to the hospital if I needed. I refused and told him I would rather get things done at work then just lay on her couch thinking about how crummy I felt. So, I went in and was trying to get some things done because it was the deadline for our schools newsletter to go out and I needed to finish editing them. Around 8 our HR Director came by and said that I looked awful and she thought I was in labor. I told her I didnt think so, it was just a false alarm, and I needed to finish editing so no one was being held up by me. So I finished editing while she was standing in my door way calling my boss/best friend ever telling her I was in labor and needed to go to the hospital immediately! What a nut I am!!!!
Anyways, I cleaned up my stuff and my boss pulled up to the front and picked me up. We went to the hospital and I got checked in to triage for monitoring. They hooked me up to everything, and when I was laying there hooked up to everything with only the crumminess/pain to think about DANG it HURT!!! I kept getting up to go to the restroom because I thought for some reason peeing would help. It didnt, LOL! So they monitored me, I was at a 4 when I came in, and said I would be there for an hour and then they would decide if they were going to admit me. So, we watched Everybody Loves Raymond for a while. The pain ever increasing. Not unbearable, but definitely not comfortable. 30 minutes later they came to check me, and I was almost to a 5. They said at that point it was probably safe to call my husband out of his class because I was going to be admitted.
He later told me that the Principal and Assistant Principal came rushing in and said that he needed to go because I was in labor. He said that was fine, but he needed to finish his lesson. Our doctor had said I could be in labor for 12-24 hours since it was our first baby. Hence, the no rush by either of us. Obviously we enjoy our jobs as well, or we are both just nuts! Match made in heaven right? Anywho, he finished his lesson really fast and asked if anyone had any questions. A bunch of hands went up and he called on a few of the kids who all told him Congratulations. He continued to tell them thank you, but Congratulations is not a question. So he left He got to the hospital with the camera out and ready to shoot. I was not in the mood for a photo shoot, but I smiled because at least it took my mind off of things. 

 My boss left and went back to work. I got admitted and immediately got the epidural! BEST THING EVER!!!! My right left was completely numb, and my left leg was mostly numb. I couldnt feel anything, but still had slight mobility in it. Such a weird sensation! They checked me again and I was at a 6. Things were obviously progressing very well. We started watching John Carter and hanging out laughing.

 I had called both of our parents earlier in the morning on the way to work and let them know that I hadnt been feeling well. I didnt think I was in labor, but they may want to keep their phones by them. My wise mom and mother-in-law said I was in labor and they all hopped in their cars and headed out.
So I started pushing a few hours later. Pushed for about an hour, and she wouldnt crown. Devins parents had arrived, and my parents were about 15 minutes away. I kept pushing for another 15 minutes and my parents came running in the room. My poor dad, I dont think he was expecting me to be spread eagle pushing. He immediately went to the corner of the room and looked at the ceiling. 

While the nurses started to panic that a man was in the room, besides my husband, and continually asked me if it was ok. At that point, I didnt care who was in the room because it already felt like the Macys day parade was coming through. If he didnt care, I didnt care. The next push after they came in was when she crowned. They made me stop pushing until the doctor arrived, the epidural was wearing off, and I was SUPER uncomfortable. 

Devin was wanting to be helpful and was making me eat ice chips. The best OB ever shows up and she pops out pretty easily, little bit of tearing but no episiotomy needed. Wahoo!!! She made her grand entrance, at 4:25pm. and they handed her to me, and her lower lip started quivering and she started crying. 
Get ready for lots of pictures....

 Oxygen is great!!! Especially in between pushes

 She hates being swaddled because she loves having her arms out like this when she sleeps.
 Daddy cut the umbilical cord.
 She is such a perfect little angel
 Love her
What a proud daddy.

Loves those toes. Little monkey toes.

In infamous lower lip quiver
I knew I was in trouble with that cute little lip quiver. We fell in love. I quickly handed her over so my doctor could finish up and they could clean her up. They finished everything up and we started getting ready for moving to the post partum room. The first pee after the epidural is out and the catheter is out is AWFUL. Fresh wounds and sutures with urine is not a joyous experience. Thank goodness for the water bottle you have to use with nice warm water.
That night, little miss was pretty restless, so was I though. She had projectile spit up in her little bassinet and I couldnt sleep the rest of the night. They make you watch movies that scare you to pieces about SIDS and everything that can go wrong with your baby. Not as though you arent paranoid enough being a first time parent.
Well, at the end of the day we have the most beautiful baby girl and there werent any complications during labor and delivery. She is an absolute light in our life, and we couldnt love her more. Poor thing is going to get tired of kisses by the time she is 3 months old.

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