Thursday, January 24, 2013

Labor Fun, Stomach Bug, and Baby Girl Harrison's Name

One of my friends was kind enough to take some prego pictures of my and Devin before our little girl comes. So I have thrown some in for your enjoyment. I am not good at this picture thing, but I am trying to get better, just like blogging.

The last few days have been crazy. I went into see the best doctor ever(I seriously love him) to get my weekly check up. I am 70% effaced and dilated to 1 ½. SO EXCITING! SO SCARY! All at the same time. Physically we are prepared. We have everything ready for her, at least as ready as I can. Emotionally, Im not sure I will ever be ready. But, its all good and at the end of the day, we are very excited to meet our little girl, Kensington. Thats right Kensington Harrison, still debating on the middle name or lack thereof.
Dev likes to call her Kensie or Kens already.

Anyways, bright an early on Wednesday morning, 2am, I woke up throwing up more violently than I ever have in my entire life. I tried to go back to sleep with no success. So at 5:30 I finally got up and started getting ready for work. It took an hour to pull my hair back and put on half of my make-up, and continue throwing up. Needless to say, I looked like death. But I had so many things to do at work, and I thought it was just a pregnancy thing and wouldnt be a big deal. Surely it would pass. My poor husband always having to deal with me being sick and not knowing what to do. He is the best though! Well, it didnt pass, and throughout the day I threw up anything I put in my mouth. On top of that I was having contractions 10 minutes apart. The day before, my doctor had advised to not go to the hospital until they were 5 minutes apart, so I called to see what to do. They said to take some Dramamine, not my best idea(a medicine that makes you drowsy on top of being up since 2am disposing of all stomach contents from the previous month!) It was definitely an adventurous day.  My doctors office said if it didnt get better to go to the hospital immediately. Ok, so Im not the best at listening, sometimes. I really didnt want to go to the hospital if I didnt have to. So a few hours later I was able to keep down some Gatorade, but my contractions had progressed to about 4 minutes apart and they were very consistent. I was in so much pain I didnt know if I was having contractions or if it was from everything else going on with my body. All of the girls at work thought I was in labor for sure. I definitely was not going to the hospital though, not yet. Its too early! So I stuck it out. Went home, got a shower, and figured if I couldnt sleep through the pain I would go to the hospital. Well, after my shower and a little bit of R&R the body aches hit me as well as a low grade fever. There we have it, not labor, just the stomach flu! Still not fun, AT ALL, but not labor yet. Everyone was shocked to see me at work this morning. Contractions have stopped, throwing up has stopped. Finally feeling rehydrated. Kensington is moving like a maniac today. My doctors office is all very relieved that I did not end up in the hospital last night, as am I. Yesterday I was kind of wishing I was in labor just so I would know that the feeling of death would go away soon. Luckily, it is much better today. But I am exhausted and weak. I guess thats what happens.
Im so thankful for such an incredible husband who is so understanding, and encourages me to slow down and relax a little bit more. Yesterday he told me I am doing enough work with just sustaining our baby girl, he doesnt expect me to be on my hands and knees cleaning our entire house. I dont think he expects that anyways. My mind expects it though. This nesting this is killing me. Maybe I will try to shut my brain off for a second tonight and just relax with my incredible husband, who is now getting the sore throat flu, and we can try to recoup together. Pretty much, I feel like the luckiest little lady alive to be better, have a healthy baby who is still growing rapidly in my belly, and the worlds best husband who is always by my side. Definitely the best helpmeet I could ever have been blessed with.

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